

cookbook wishlist.

  • Homemade Decadence by Joy Wilson (aka Joy the Baker). I love reading Joy's blog for both recipes and anecdotes, and I don't think her cookbook would disappoint. Apple pie with cheddar-bacon crust? Bourbon chocolate pecan pie bars? Brown sugar cream cheese ice cream? Sign me up.
  • Prune by Gabrielle Hamilton. I loved Gabrielle's memoir, and while I haven't been lucky enough to eat at her restaurant, I'm up to the challenge of creating her recipes at home.
  • The Skinnytaste Cookbook by Gina Homolka. I've heard nothing but good things about this book--embarrassingly, I only recently started reading her blog but with bathing suit season rapidly approaching I'm going to need start incorporating these recipes into my weekly dinner plans ASAP.
  • Milk by Christina Tosi. Bathing suit season aside, I think everyone needs compost cookies, crack pie and birthday cake in their life.
  • Thug Kitchen: The Official Cookbook by Thug Kitchen. I never thought I would be adding a vegan cookbook to my wishlist, but this looks too good. Yet another cookbook based on a blog, it melds healthy eats like miso noodle soup and cauliflower tacos with profanity. What's not to love?