

dining room: before and after.

I wish I had today off, but alas, I'm back to the grind (and looking forward to a long weekend in Maine in 5 short days--I need a mini break). I thought I'd share the before and after of my dining room, which is one of the rooms that is almost 100% done. I just need some window treatments and perhaps a rug and I should be in good shape.

The before:

This was taken from the real estate listing, so I apologize for the quality, but it gives the gist of the room--they had recently replaced the floors with a dark hardwood and the walls were covered in a paintable textured wallpaper (that is/was throughout the majority of the house). The cabinet was removed by the seller, and I was not enamored by the chandelier, but there wasn't a ton to do in this room.

The middle:

I replaced the chandelier with one from West Elm (similar here) and I painted the walls a light gray that was a nice contrast with the dark floors. I set up my old table and chairs from my previous loft apartment but I had my sights set on a new table because the old one was really too small and not conducive to having people over for dinner.


My current dining arrangement is on loan from my mom--the vintage Herman Miller chairs and tulip table belonged to my grandparents, but after my grandmother passed away and my grandfather moved into a smaller apartment, they needed a place to go. My parents didn't really have a place for them in their for the time being, they're staying with me. I absolutely love the design and the colors and the retro-feel it brings to my dining room, but most importantly, I have so many incredible memories eating around this table. Fondue parties, Thanksgiving buffets and breakfast with mini sugar cereals (that we were otherwise never allowed to have growing up) were all enjoyed in this very spot, and every time I walk past my dining room I'm immediately reminded of my grandparents.

I'm so grateful to have this part of them in my home, and I can't wait to continue their traditions and start some of my own.



I am so glad it's Friday. This week was a long one and I'm really tired. I'm looking forward to a relatively low-key weekend with lots of couch time (and Olive snuggles, which I suppose goes without saying).

Some highlights from this week:

  • I had drinks with my BFF S. from law school--she works in Hartford and I'm going to be traveling to Connecticut a lot more for work which means there will be lots of meet ups in our future. We lived a block and a half away from each other on Marlborough Street when we were in school (I still miss that apartment), and I love being able to get together with her more frequently.
  • I ordered the iPhone 7--I was due for an upgrade, so it was free and it came yesterday. I'm pretty excited and I just need this case to arrive and I'll be in business (because knowing me, I'll drop it and ruin it if I try to use it without the case). 
  • I started Pure Barre again. They were running a special (6 weeks unlimited for $100) and it was too good to pass up. It's far from where I live now, but I know it's going to be worth it because a) it worked before b) paying for classes makes me work out. I'm already so sore from going on Wednesday.
So that's it--have a great weekend!


weekend in pics..

Dinner Friday night: Seafood Newburg in an acorn squash. I was in heaven.

Closet clean out: someone was not pulling her weight.
Getting cozy by the fire.

First of all, where did September go? I can't believe it's already October...although the temps around here have certainly been fall-like. I finally caved on Friday and turned on my heat when I realized that my house was a balmy 57 degrees.

My weekend was pretty busy but good: delicious dinner with my parents on Friday followed by errands on Saturday and babysitting my niece. On Sunday I did the big summer to fall closet changeover and got rid of a bag and a half of clothes, which was rather liberating. I then watched a little football and spent some time with my cousin and her boyfriend from Kansas City who came up for a wedding this weekend--we never get to see her so it was great to catch up. Sunday night was spent starting When in French (I like it so far).

Here's to a hopefully painless Monday.