

love lock.

I'm extremely fortunate to have the most wonderful boss ever. She's supportive, understanding and pushes me to grow in ways I didn't know I could.

And she gives the best presents.

This past spring, she and her husband were planning a trip to Paris. We talked about all of the must-see places they had to visit, and I mentioned the Pont des Arts bridge (also know as the "Love Locks Bridge"). As controversial as the practice of attaching a lock to a bridge and throwing away the key to the river below is, I'm of the position that it's a romantic gesture.*

Upon their return from Paris, I was presented with my own set of keys. They had given me a love lock of my own:

Yes, it's a love lock with my dog. But is there a truer love than the love you have for your pet? Methinks not. I found it so thoughtful and sweet (albeit a little unconventional) and it makes me happy that there's a little piece of me and my French Bulldog in Paris. They framed the photos for me and I have them hanging in my bedroom with the keys included.

*Romance aside, I totally get why there is an anti-lock crusade--architecturally and aesthetically it doesn't really fly.

But I still love it.


what the heck, summer.

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I feel like this summer totally got away from me--how are we already almost halfway through August? I had all of these grandiose plans of playing tons of tennis and lounging by the pool and I didn't do either of those things once. This was partly due to the fact that July had me traveling nonstop for work--I spent one night in my apartment the entire month and was going back and forth to the midwest every week.

I also had to deal with a bit of a health issue--it came to my attention at the start of the summer, and it seems like I was going to doctor's appointments every time I was back on the east coast. I had surgery on the1st of this month and I'm very relieved that everything is fine and I'm on the mend. (sidenote: the female body is a very strange thing.)

So now I'm faced with packing an entire summer into the next couple of weekends--I have some Maine time planned, and I also plan to increase my corn and ice cream intake exponentially.

If you're still reading this, thanks for sticking around. I'll be back posting a little more frequently now that life has settled down...I hope.