

weekend things.

Coming back from vacation was the worst--I had great plans to do a complete recap of the Bahamas trip last week but readjusting to usual life took its toll. (Recap is coming this week). Luckily, I had a super low-key weekend on tap to get back in the swing.

MET went away, and I was left to my own devices:

Friday consisted of Panera's Autumn Squash soup (my fave, and I love that it's available at Target/your local grocery store) and catching up on HBO. I have a total love/hate relationship with Lena Dunham/Hannah Horvath/Girls, but I absolutely loved how this season ended. I have high hopes for season 5.

Saturday I did the typical suburban errands with my mom, and scooped up these at Target. They're currently situated on my mantle and they're fabulous.

My dad came over to help with some lighting fixture replacements in the kitchen, and I'm beyond pumped with the results:

Befores on the left, afters on the right.

Saturday night I decided to lay low and catch up on season two of House of Cards.

Clearly this weekend consisted of coffee table snacks and Olive attempting to eat them.
And Sunday my mom came over for bellinis, rom-coms and leftover cheeses and MET whipped up a delish dinner. I was a happy camper.

Here's to a productive Monday.


  1. Love seeing Olive trying to grab a bite! I'm with you on Girls - I find myself screaming at the TV, yet I can't stop watching.

  2. I love Girls too. Have you watched Togetherness? On HBO as well...I love it too!
