

weekend things.

river views during a dog walk.

I went up to Maine for the weekend and it was just what a doctor ordered--a little time away always does wonders for my psyche. On Friday I headed north with my parents and I had a low-key evening with Chinese food and Stranger Things (I'm only two episodes in to the 2nd season but it's so good). On Saturday I stocked up on some fall essentials at Stonewall Kitchen and then we went to Portsmouth to meet my godfather for lunch at Surf (it was great to see him and also get stuffed on truffled lobster maki). We did a little bit of shopping and then had a low-key night with takeout pizza.

On Sunday everyone gathered at my parents' house to celebrate my mom's birthday. We had a fun brunch and then I transitioned my closet from summer to fall/winter (with much needed guidance from my mom and sister--it was just in time, too: the cooler temps have definitely arrived and sweater weather is officially here). Then some crazy storms rolled in and I lost power until mid-morning on Monday.

It was a jam-packed weekend but good to sneak away for a bit (especially before the hellish couple of weeks I have coming up at work).

And happy Halloween--I really don't care much for this holiday (I hate dressing up and get zero trick or treaters) but I'm excited that this means we're a little closer to Thanksgiving.


life lately.

Once again, it's been a month since I last posted and I've neglected this little blog of mine. I'd love to say it was because I was doing all sorts of exciting things, but to be perfectly honest, I've been pretty down in the dumps. There's no doubt that I'm in a bit of a rut in my personal life, and I'm really trying to dig myself out of it but it's been tough. I have a vision of what I want my future to look like and it's been hard to look past the roadblocks in my way--this deserves a longer, less vague post but ultimately I'm trying to be more proactive about the things I can change and accept the things I can't.

Additionally, the state of the world right now is weighing heavily on my heart. The hurricanes, the California fires, the tragedy in Las Vegas and the subsequent responses have been distressing (and a clear reminder of the perspective that should accompany my own problems). I'm at the point where I don't want to watch the news at night because everything seems to be one awful story after another.

[As a (related) aside, with all of the crap going on in Washington right now, I was really happy to discover resistbot and cannot recommend it enough. It's super easy to use and I love the ability to so quickly contact all of your elected officials at once--I definitely plan on using it on a regular basis.]

So that's the state of my world right now. I'm going to work on getting out of this funk and will work on some better posts soon.

Onward and upward!