

a summer well spent.

never enough beach days, but I tried. 

perfect summer dinner.

only one concert, but seeing The Head and the Heart at Thompson's Point never disappoints.

lots of golf meant lots of hot dogs at the turn.

outdoor dining friend.

the bug.

my favorite york harbor view.

This summer flew. We lucked out with pretty great weather, especially compared to last year, and I tried my best to soak everything in. I'm so lucky to live where I do.

But now it's officially fall, and while I've been burning this candle since September 1st, it's only started to really feel like the season has changed this past week. I put away my air conditioner, it's been getting dark super early (and I've been ready for bed at 8:00 which is not ideal), and the mornings have been perfect for runs around the neighborhood. I try not to wish seasons away, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't psyched it's fall: it's my favorite.


the thursday special.


maya brenner's asymmetrical letter necklace

Since Olive died in 2021, I had wanted a little memento to remember her by. Tattoos are not currently my thing but jewelry is (and always will be), and the Maya Brenner asymmetrical letter necklace with the little "o" fit the bill perfectly. My parents gave it to me for Christmas, and I haven't taken it off since. I highly recommend it if there is someone you want to keep with you.


weekend things.


scarborough beach.

I had a great beach day yesterday--it started off a little overcast but the clouds quickly burned off and I was able to dive into the ocean and get destroyed by waves. I had big plans of spending the day at the beach for the 4th as well, but Mabel had some sort of allergic reaction and broke out in hives (this has happened before and I have no idea what causes it but it's stressful and terrible and she's so uncomfortable). We ended up lying low and she was back to her old self by Friday, which was a relief.

Wimbledon has been on daily, I started Presumed Innocent on AppleTV (very good), and I've been reading Kevin Kwan's Lies and Weddings, which is the perfect beach read. I have also been living off of Hetty McKinnon's Dumpling Tomato Salad with Chili Crisp Vinaigrette: it is a super easy delicious summer meal.

Here's to July!


the thursday special.


agolde parker distressed denim shorts

Happy 4th of July - because nothing says "America" like jorts, I'm here to recommend AGOLDE's Parker Distressed version. I'm admittedly late to the party with these, but recently snagged a pair and they are great--not too short, the perfect amount of distressing and a very comfortable rise. They're definitely on the pricier end, but worth it (I also recommend these, which are a tad cheaper but just as comfy).


hi, july! (and what I've been up to, in pics).


I turned 42 in April, and after spending the morning at the DMV I treated myself to a delicious brunch at Ocotillo. I'm very glad they are now in the neighborhood.

My mom and I traveled down to Pittsburgh to cheer on my sister during the half marathon (I once again had an injury and had to bail) but we had such a great time and the highlight was dinner at Pusadee's Garden -- I am already counting down until I can go back and have the roti and khao yum again. 

I went to my parents' house Memorial Day Weekend and unofficially kicked off summer with hot dogs, ping pong, and a little sunburn. I also read Anita Monte Laughs Last, and very much enjoyed it. (Dress is Anthro's Somerset, which I have been living in for both work and play).

I grabbed some spray roses for my bedside table, and they made me very happy.

I was finally sworn into the Maine Bar and celebrated with my parents and champagne at Eventide.

My sister came up (for a week!) and we did all of the Portland things, including drinks and caviar at the newly opened Five of Clubs bar at the Longfellow Hotel, bowling at Bayside Bowl, and all of our favorite food and drink stops. After a visit to Massachusetts for golf and more family time we came back up to York Harbor for the weekend before she headed home. 

This picture doesn't do it justice, but I had one of the top 5 dishes of my life at Fore Street. It was their wood oven roasted lasagna that I kind of ordered on a whim but was absolutely insane: artichoke and nettle lasagne with swiss chard, golden raisin and pine nut agrodolce, parm and marsala sauce. It took all of my restraint not to go back for more the following night. 

And the bug has been living her best life, per usual.

So that's a high level view of life lately--I am so excited that is finally summer in Maine, which is, quite frankly, the best. I'm looking forward to Saturday farmers' market perusing and as much beach time as I can squeeze in. Here's to summer. 


I'm still here (and life lately, in pics).


some cozy coq au vin for two at Chaval.

I tried the ham and cheese croissant at ZUBakery (just nominated for a James Beard) and it did not disappoint.

Mabel got some snuggles in with my parents' dog, Fiona.

My sister and I went back to Eden Roc for a little escape from the winter doldrums, and it was perfection.

We were hit with not one, but two snowstorms when I got back, and it almost destroyed me.

I got a new linen quilt from Quince, and it has made it exceptionally difficult to get out of bed in the morning.

I wasn't meaning to completely disappear after such a strong start to January, but man, February and March sure are tough months. I was just feeling blah. The trip to Miami helped a lot (as it always does), and then we were hit with snow and it put a huge damper on any motivation I thought I had. But, it seems as though things have turned around, finally--the sun exists, it's been warm (relative to Maine) and I'm so looking forward to opening my windows and getting fresh air.

I have some fun things planned on the horizon, and I'll be checking in here more frequently. 

I promise. 


life lately, in photos.


steamy bagel pickup.

snowy view outside my living room window.

saturday lunch at empire chinese.

I got a second piercing, on a bit of a whim.

a bug, of course.

It's the last week of January, and what a weird month. At times I felt like it was flying by, but right now it feels like January 100th. It was pretty quiet for me overall, with some very lowkey weekends and work travel gone wrong. The weather has been snowy, and I've been very content with hunkering down but I also start 1/2 marathon training next month and need to get my butt outside to run--here's hoping for no icy roads. And here's to February, may it be a good month!


the thursday special.


goop himalayan salt scalp scrub

I'm the first to admit that some of the goop products are a little suspect, but I'm a huge fan of the Himalayan salt scalp scrub. My scalp gets greasy quickly, and this scrub is super exfoliating and gets rid of all of the buildup and junk that regular shampoo can't--I use it once a week/every ten days or so, and my hair feels and looks so much better.


three things I have my eye on.


( 1 )

( 2 )

( 3 )

    1.  Like everywhere across the county, it is freezing in Maine right now. Thankfully, I have a trip to Miami in March to look forward to, and I'm very tempted to get another Emerson Fry Caftan. It's the perfect beach/pool coverup (I already have it in navy), but it's also great for as a breezy dress on a sweltering day. I know I would live in it this summer.
    2. I recently got rid of my standard coffee maker and have been relying solely on my original Nespresso machine (so old they don't make it anymore) and Grady's Cold Brew. I was perusing the Williams Sonoma website and I saw they have models that make espresso and coffee and I'm tempted to upgrade to experience the best of both worlds. 
    3. We're deep into the dark doldrums of winter and my pale face is showing it. The Salty Face Tanning Water keeps showing up in my Instagram ads (thanks, algorithm!) and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't intrigued--it looks like the perfect natural glow to get me to summer. 


the thursday special.


arc'teryx patera parka

It's winter and it's freezing and I'm here to recommend my favorite winter coat if you're in the market for one. I bought the Arc'teryx Patera a couple of years ago (when it was $200 cheaper) but I would buy it again today--it is incredibly warm, even by Quebec City standards, and has down insulation on the inside and Goretex on the outside--one of my biggest pet peeves are down jackets that have no rain protection (because what good is that going to do when it is actually snowing/sleeting/being disgusting?) and this checks all the boxes while also looking pretty sleek. Get this instead of a Canada Goose, I promise you won't regret it.  


a controversial renovation.


photo by Matthew Williams for Architectural Digest

photo by Matthew Williams for Architectural Digest

photo by Matthew Williams for Architectural Digest 

photo by Matthew Williams for Architectural Digest

The top photo was posted to AD's instagram back in August of last year, and I was immediately obsessed. I absolutely love the juxtaposition between old and new, and it works (despite a slew of comments on the post indicating otherwise). I will forever appreciate keeping on old house that was on the verge on disrepair intact and adding updates instead of bulldozing for a new build. 


the thursday special.


stendig calendar

Every December, I make sure to place an order for a new Stendig Calendar for the upcoming year. I hang it on the wall above my desk: it's a great reference throughout the day and it's aesthetically pleasing--so much so that it's in the Design Collection at MOMA. (Fun fact: the designer, Massimo Vignelli, considered the calendar's number 23 "graphic perfection"). I love the alternating black/white backgrounds per month, and since it's so big, the sheets can be used as wrapping paper once the month is over. If you have the wall space, I highly recommend. 


oh, it's 2024.


(ignore the poop bag)

Another year, and I'm still here--maybe 2024 will be a year of consistent blogging? Let's be honest, probably not, but for whatever reason I'm not ready to quit this, even though everyone says blogs are dead and substack is the next big thing, I'll keep this little website and writing into the abyss...for now.

I had a very low-key but great holiday--I spent Christmas with my parents in MA, and then met my siblings and their families in Quebec for a few days. There was no snow, but it was so fun to have everyone together.

And now, back to the grind--although I am once again embracing gentle January and trying to ease into things. Mabel continues to delight, work is great, and I continue to love living in Portland, despite being in the throes of a snowstorm (it's super pretty and cozy, I just hate the gross aftermath and trying to navigate snow covered sidewalks).

So here's to a new year and a fresh start and all that jazz--I promise not to be a stranger.