

weekend things.

This weekend was the best--the temps have finally cooperated in the Northeast (70s and high 80s???) and I'm loving having the windows open and wearing short sleeves.

Saturday my sister and I had a delicious lunch on the patio at The Waterhouse (previously mentioned here)...

...and then we went to a dear family friend's baby shower. I gifted this:

there's something to be said for books about frenchies and dressing your baby like a burrito.

Sunday I hosted a Mother's Day brunch, which was the first official soirée at the new house.

Snail placeholders available here.

I gave my mom Plenty and a bottle of Brangelina's rosé. (And for the brunch, I made what might be my most favorite slaw of all time from the Plenty cookbook--recipe to come tomorrow.)

It was so great to have family over and raise a glass to the best mother in the entire world. Olive had fun too, but got a little overheated. Being social is exhausting. 


  1. It was wonderful -- I'm a very lucky lady...

  2. Yayee for your first hosting at your house. Do you get stressed like I do? Before a party I usually start crying about 2 hours before everyone arrives, usually while I am vacuuming last minute.

  3. Is it weird that I am going on Amazon now to buy the cook book right now? I so love Olive!

  4. I loooooove that Brangelina rose, it's so legit. I have JERUSALEM, same authors as PLENTY, and love it. Cannot wait for this slaw recipe!
