

the end of summer.

the most perfect day sailing

I definitely tried to cram as much as I could into the weeks leading up to Labor Day, but I'm pretty bummed summer is over--it absolutely flew by. Despite my end of summer sads, I'm totally looking forward to cooler (not freezing) temps and less frizzy hair. For my end of summer send-off, I...

{ l - r }

top: my Rosé on pretty hard. So refreshing and delicious.
middle: ...spent some quality time with Piper (the newest addition to the C family), snoozed with Olive, and perfected my baking skills.
bottom: ...enjoyed some street meat after a late night out, chowed on Nordstrom's version of the Cronut (which did not disappoint) and stuffed my face with fries, as per usual. 

I have to say, I'm ready to be back in a bit of a routine. This summer was a doozy, and I'm hoping the fall brings more stability and more good things.

I'm pretty optimistic.


  1. And the male legs are???

    Piper is adorable!!!

    1. Good eye, MCW -- I knew you'd pick up on that!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
